Leadership Book Scholarship

  • Qualifications:       
    • Student with demonstrated leadership must be nominated by high school counselor or principal.
  • Value:
    • $1,500 annually: Up to $750 Fall/ Up to $750 Spring.   Actual amount paid will be dependent upon qualified expenses.
      • Pays toward required textbooks and required supplies charged at the OTC Bookstore
      • Pays toward miscellaneous fees (i.e. lab fee, program fee, etc.)
  • Renewal Criteria:
    • Renewable for 3rd and 4th semesters with an OTC cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or higher
  • Number offered per year:
    • 1 student per high school

The OTC Financial Aid office will reach out to the high school counselors by email each spring asking for a student name to be submitted for this scholarship.