The DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) were originally designed for military personnel pursuing college degrees, but DSST tests are now available to anyone who wants to save time and money on their education by earning credit-by-examination.

DANTES, a U.S. Department of Defense agency that supports educational initiatives for the military, continues to cover the $80 DSST exam cost and, in some cases, any test center administration fees for active duty service members. Veterans also may be reimbursed for DSST fees through the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.

Below you can see how your DANTES course will transfer into OTC:

DSST ExamCriterion ReferencedOTC Course EquivalentOTC Course Equivalent Name
A History of the Vietnam War400No Equivalent
Art of the Western World400ART 101Art History I
Astronomy400PHY 115Introduction to Astronomy
Business Ethics & Society400No Equivalent
Business Mathematics400MTH 105Business Math
Criminal Justice400CRM 210Intro to Criminal Justice
Computing & Information Technology400CIS 101Technology and Digital Literacy
Environmental Science400No Equivalent
Ethics in America400PHL 105Introduction to Ethics
Ethics in Technology400No Equivalent
Foundations of Education400EDU 222Foundations of Education in Diverse Society
Fundamentals of College Algebra400MTH 110Intermediate Algebra
Fundamentals of Counseling400No Equivalent
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity400No Equivalent
General Anthropology400ANT 101Introduction to Anthropology
Health & Human Development400No Equivalent
Human Resources Management400BUS 170Human Resources Management
History of the Soviet Union400No Equivalent
Introduction to Business400BUS 110Principles of Business
Introduction to Geography (Formerly titled: Human and Cultural Geography)400GRY-101World Geography
Introduction to Geology400PHY 110Introduction to Geology
Introduction to Law Enforcement400No Equivalent
Introduction to World Religions400REL 100Intro Religions of the World
Lifespan Development Psychology400PSY 130Life Span Developmental Psychology
Management Information Systems400No Equivalent
Math for Liberal Arts400No EquivalentContemporary Mathematics
Money & Banking400No Equivalent
Organizational Behavior400No Equivalent
Personal Finance400BUS 115Personal Finance
Principles of Advanced English Composition400No Equivalent
Principles of Finance400No Equivalent
Principles of Public Speaking400COM 105Public Speaking
Principles of Statistics400No Equivalent
Principles of Supervision400No Equivalent
Substance Abuse400No Equivalent
Technical Writing400ENG 150Technical Writing
The Civil War and Reconstruction400No Equivalent

Last updated: 07/20/2020.