Use he drop down menu for many answers to frequently asked questions about Ozarks Tech’s Title IX policies.
Use he drop down menu for many answers to frequently asked questions about Ozarks Tech’s Title IX policies.
If you are unsure, file a report with Title IX and a member of our Team will contact you to discuss the situation and options for resolution.
Ozarks Tech is committed to creating and maintaining a campus culture that is welcoming for students, faculty, staff and visitor regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age or disability.
Resources listed below are available for OTC students:
A member of the team will contact you as soon as possible after receiving the report to discuss the process and options for moving forward.
Filing a complaint will not impact your financial aid.
It is a violation of Ozarks Tech’s policy to retaliate against any member of the college community who reports or assists in making a complaint of harassment, discrimination or sexual violence or who participates in the investigation of a complaint in any way. Persons who believe they have been retaliated against in violation of this policy should contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Deputy Title IX Coordinator.
While there is no time limit in making a report, the college encourages persons to make complaints as soon as possible because late reporting may limit the college’s ability to investigate and respond.
Yes, witnesses or other concerned parties may make a report on behalf of someone else.
Even if an incident occurred off campus, we would still encourage reporting. The college has jurisdiction over discrimination, harassment and sexual violence that may occur off campus when such conduct could impact the academic learning environment.
At any time, you have the ability to change your mind. However, if the safety of the campus community is at risk the college has the right to continue with the investigation while maintaining the privacy of the reporting party.
Mediation may be used in lieu of the formal investigation and determination procedure. However, informal means may only be used with the reporting party’s voluntary cooperation. The reporting party, however, will not be required to work out the problem directly with the responding party.
Only the people who need to know will be aware of the concern. Only people who are in a position to offer support, resources or remedy the situation will be involved.
The college will strive to conclude its investigation and resolution of the complaint within sixty (60) calendar days of receiving it.
Unless the student is a minor, the college will not inform the reporting party’s parent or guardian.
During the investigation process, both the reporting party and the responding party may ask a support person/advisor to accompany him or her at all stages of the process. However, the support person/advisor may not be someone else who may be involved in the situation. A trained member of the Title IX team can be assigned to serve as a support person/advisor to either the reporting party or responding party upon request.
You should make a report as soon as you are ready. Keep in mind the closer to the incident, the more effective an investigation will be.