Waitlisting is a feature in myOTC that allows a student to “get in line” (i.e., get on the waitlist) for classes that are filled/closed. Once on a waitlist, this process automatically registers the first student on the waitlist when a seat has opened up. The system then notifies the student via their OTC email address. The order of the waitlist is first come, first served. Therefore, getting on the waitlist does not guarantee a seat in the class. If you are registered for a waitlisted course and no longer wish to be in that course, you will need to drop the course in myOTC.
If a student is registered for a course through the waitlist and that course is their initial registration for that term (the student was not already registered for other courses), that student will then need to complete the payment plan by midnight the same day in order to hold that class. For that reason, it’s very important to check your Ozarks Tech email daily when you are on a waitlist.
Waitlisting is offered for individual course enrollments only. Waitlisting does not apply to program admission. For more information about waitlists for admission to a selective admission program, please contact the appropriate program director.