As an instructor, academic integrity is of the upmost importance. Pregnant/parenting students should still be held to the same academic standards as other students, and it is through your cooperation with the OTC Title IX office that pregnant/parenting students receive the assistance they need while also being held accountable for their education.
One of the most frequent questions we receive is “At what age does ‘parenting’ support end for an child?” Please report any student who is currently pregnant or has an infant up to 1 month old. Title IX Pregnant & Parenting protections are intended for students who are pregnant, experiencing a pregnancy-related condition (such as a miscarriage) or physically recovering from childbirth. If you are aware of an extenuating circumstance for a student with a baby over the age of 1 month, please submit a report. Even if the Title IX office is not the appropriate support system for the student, we will work with the OTCCares team to ensure that the student receives support through the appropriate office.