Midterm & Final Grades

You can find midterm and final grades along with additional important student information in MyOTC on the grades tab. Students may also view their unofficial transcript in MyOTC. Ozarks Tech does not mail midterm or final grades through the US mail. However, students who need a hard copy of the grades may request a transcript.

Grading System

Ozarks Tech issues official grades for each student at the end of each semester. The college will grade students enrolled in credit courses by the letter grade system and assign them a grade point average (GPA) for each semester. We determine GPA by dividing the total number of grade points by the number of credit hours attempted. To calculate your GPA, use the GPA calculator. Ozarks Tech requires an Ozarks Tech Cumulative GPA of 2.0 for graduation, unless otherwise indicated through your program of study. The college does not include developmental courses and transfer credits in the Ozarks Tech Cumulative GPA computation.

Grade Definitions – Undergraduate Coursework












The student enrolled in and completed the course as an “auditor.” Requirements for successful completion as an auditor are arranged with the course instructor. Does not count as credit for the course.


An “I,” or incomplete, indicates that a student has been doing acceptable work but has not completed a small amount of the work. It is the student’s responsibility to have this deficiency removed within six (6) weeks after the incomplete is assigned. When, in the judgment of the instructor, a student is not making a reasonable effort to remove the incomplete, the grade will automatically be changed to an “F.”


Student is currently In Progress in the course


Student completed Articulated Credit in high school.  Used in conjunction with letter grades A and B.


Used in conjunction with letter grades of A, B, C, or D for classes below college-level (numbered less than 100-level). Does not count as hours attempted or as hours earned. These courses are not included in consideration for honors.  They do not count toward the Ozarks Tech GPA.

An N grade with no accompanying letter grade indicates a non-credit passing grade.


Not Passing. Given for courses below college level (less than 100 level), as well as selected courses which have been approved by the Provost, to be offered on a Passing/Not Passing system.


Passing. Awarded upon successful completion of Continuing Education course. May also be used for selected credit courses with the approval of the Provost.


Student has registered for the course in a future term.


Departmental Proficiency, Professional Credit or Credit by Exam. The student received credit for a course through proficiency examination. This symbol counts as hours earned but not as hours attempted. Prior to Fall 2024, P grades were issued for Professional Credit.


Transfer.  Credits transferred from another institution.  OTC does not include transfer credits in the cumulative hours or grade point average.


Withdrew. The student withdrew prior to the deadline to withdraw. This symbol does not count as hours attempted or as hours earned.


Student dropped the course during the 100% refund period.  Does not impact GPA. Does not show on the transcript.


Student dropped the course after the 100% refund period but before drop grades were required on transcripts.  Does not impact GPA.  Does not show on the transcript.

Grading Definitions – Continuing Education Coursework

P Pass
NP Not Pass
I Cont. Ed. Incomplete
PC Pass – IRC
PN Pass – Did Not Receive IRC
PU Pass – Unknown IRC
A Exemplary
B Superior
C Adequate
D Minimal
F Failing
Z Attempted, Outcome Unknown
W Withdrawn

For more information about grades and the grading system, please go to the OTC Grading System Policy.

As of: 12/05/2024