Where can I get help with my degree planner?
You can find help navigating and understanding your degree planner here: Degree Planner Help Guides
If you need additional assistance, please contact your academic advisor or navigator!
How can the Planner help me?
Your plan helps you and your academic advisor or navigator plot out your path at OTC. It can help you determine how many classes you want to take each semester, understand how many semesters it will take to graduate, ensure that you are taking the right classes, and anticipate your next steps.
If I use my degree planner, do I need to meet with an academic advisor?
Your degree planner does not take the place of an academic advisor or navigator. You are strongly encouraged to meet with your academic advisor or navigator at least once a semester.
Advisors and Navigators have the knowledge and tools to help you be as successful as possible! They can help connect you with campus and community resources. Your academic advisor is also your first point of contact for questions about your degree audit or planner tool.
I made a plan in myOTC; why don't I see it in my Plans?
If you had planned classes in myOTC, the degree audit will no longer be able to see those. This is a great time to become familiar with our new planner tool and make a new plan! Please visit our Degree Planner Help Guides for more information!
Why are my planned courses in the 'Excess Courses' section of my audit?
The Excess Courses area is located at the end of your degree audit. It displays any courses on your academic record that are not actively meeting any program requirements.
If any of the courses you planned are in this section, then they are not needed for your program of study.
If you feel that this is incorrect, please make sure you check the Program of Study displaying on your screen. If you still have concerns, contact your academic advisor or navigator.
Can I change my plan?
Yes! You can make changes to your plan anytime.
We recommend checking your plan each semester and make any adjustments as needed. See Degree Planner Help Guides for assistance.
Can I make more than one plan?
However, if you have multiple plans, we encourage you to only view planned courses on the audits generated in the Planner tool. If you run an audit with the option to show Planned coursework from the degree audit’s advanced settings, it will show planned courses from all plans.
How do I use the Planner tool if I am active in more than one program?
The planner tool is optimal for traditional students planning to complete one Program of Study.
Students active in two or more academic programs should work with their academic advisor or navigator when making an academic plan.
Students who are interested in Health Sciences with a Pre-Admission Planning program, should refer to the ‘Pre-Admission Planning’ resource in the Degree Planner Help Guides
How do I know if my plan is correct?
At any point while planning your classes in the planner tool, you can use the Check Plan button (screenshot of Checkmark). This will update the audit display on the left-side to show the purple planned icon where the course is meeting requirements.
How is a degree audit different from a degree plan?
In simple terms, a degree audit tells you the requirements for your Program of Study and your current progress towards completing those requirements while a degree plan establishes how you intend to complete your program of study requirements and in what time frame.
Am I required to use the Degree Planner to graduate?
You are not required to make a plan in order to graduate. The Registrar’s office uses your degree audit to determine graduation eligibility. For more information see: Degree Audit General Info
As of: 03/15/2020