When you apply to Ozarks Tech, you are asked to declare a major (program of study), but we know that sometimes your goals or interests change, and you may need to change your program of study. In some situations, changing your program of study can be a big deal. It can affect your ability to transfer to a 4-year institution, it could delay graduation, and it could impact your financial aid status. Therefore, students wanting to change their program of study, enroll status or catalog year must meet with a staff member to discuss the change and make sure it’s in your best interest.
Students not yet registered for classes: You will contact your assigned admissions counselor to discuss the change. When approved, the admissions counselor will submit the paperwork required to change your program of study, enroll status or catalog year.
Students who have an assigned navigator: Once you have registered for your first semester of courses, you are assigned a college navigator. Please meet with your college navigator to discuss changing your program. When approved, your navigator will submit the paperwork required to change your program of study, enroll status or catalog year.
Program changes are processed within three business days
Request to Pursue Multiple Programs
Students wanting to pursue more than one academic degree program at Ozarks Tech can initiate the process by speaking with their college navigator. The college navigator will then review the student’s request and reach out to the Registrar’s Office for final approval.
Explore Your Options
Ozarks Tech has many academic programs for you to choose from. We want to help you make the best decisions for your academic future. If you would like assistance selecting a program of study, please connect with your College Navigator.
Program of study options include:
- General Education Programs: These programs are often referred to as ‘transfer degrees’ and are designed for students who intend to transfer to a 4-year institution to complete a Bachelor’s degree or higher.
- Technical Education Programs: These programs are considered ‘workforce ready’ and are designed for students who intend to enter the workforce after graduation and who do not plan to complete a Bachelor’s degree or higher.
- Selective Admission Health Science Programs: These programs require a separate admission process that can be very competitive due to the limited number of available spots. Students are encouraged to plan their application timeline carefully. By selecting one of these options on the program change form, you are declaring your interest in applying to the program(s) indicated and will be provided with a pre-admission degree audit to help with admission coursework planning. Please note the following:
- Pre-Admission programs are not financial aid eligible and therefore cannot be a student’s only active program; the selected option(s) will be added in addition to the current active degree seeking program.
- You may declare interest in up to 3 Health Science pre-admission programs
- Once accepted to a Health Science program, the Health Sciences office will update your official degree seeking program accordingly.
Faculty & Staff Resources
Last Updated: 08/23/2024