Proxy permission provides access to designated personally identifiable information from your student education record. This information is protected by FERPA and may not be re-released or forwarded by your proxy to any 3rd party without your permission. Proxy access gives the designated proxy the ability to log in and view the information you selected to share with your proxy. Students should not share their personal log in information with anyone.
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What is a Proxy?
If you designate Proxy Account Access, your Proxy will receive their own MYOTC account with login information to view selected student education record information. Students may designate a parent or guardian, spouse or other support person as their proxy in myOTC.
What does Proxy Access mean?
A proxy is a person that has been granted online access by a student to certain student records such as billing information, financial aid information, or grades. The proxy accesses the records through the their own MYOTC account login information given when access is granted.
What information would my Proxy have access to?
Students can choose to share some or all of the following information online:
Student Accounts:
Account Activity
Tax Information
Financial Aid:
Offer Letter
Financial Aid Home Page
Request a New Loan
My Awards
Required Documents
Satisfactory Academic Progress
College Financing Plan
Required Documents
Can I change what my Proxy has access to?
Absolutely! You can revoke all Proxy Access, change the information that can be viewed by your Proxy, or reinstated a previous proxy at any time in MYOTC at User Options in View/Add Proxy Access. Click on the “pencil icon” to the right of your designated proxy to edit or remove all proxy access.
How do I remove or revoke Proxy access?
Go to MYOTC and select User Options and View/Add Proxy Access. Click on the “pencil icon” to the right of your designated proxy to edit or remove all proxy access.
Can I add more than one Proxy?
Yes, you sure can – as long as each proxy has a different email address.
Can my Proxy make changes to my student information?
No, your proxy can only VIEW the information you have given access to ONLINE. They cannot change your schedule or your address or make any changes whatsoever.
Can my Proxy see anything I have selected not to share?
No. And you can also change the information your proxy has access to at any time. Go to MYOTC, User Options, View/Add Proxy Access and click on the “pencil” to right of proxy information to edit.
What does "reauthorize" proxy access mean?
Ozarks Tech requires annual reauthorization of your proxy. This means, once per year you will need to approve your proxy’s access. We will notify you in MYOTC when reauthorization is required and send you an email to your Ozarks Tech email annually as a reminder.
You can also choose to revoke all access or change the access at any time throughout the year in MYOTC at User Options in View/Add Proxy Access using the “pencil” to edit the information.
Can my Proxy call or come to campus to discuss my student information on my behalf??
No. The proxy can only view ONLINE the information you selected to share when you set up the proxy account in MYOTC. This person is not allowed to act on your behalf, make any changes, access any information you have not authorized, discuss your student information that is not part of directory information, or share any information with any 3rd party without your consent.
If you want someone to be able to discuss your student information with staff at OTC you would need to complete the Consent to Release Student Information form. If you choose to submit the Consent to Release form, that person would only have access to information in person and with a picture ID.
Who controls Proxy access?
The student is the only person that can grant proxy access, change proxy access, remove proxy access and select what a proxy has permission to see.
How can I see Proxy information?
In MYOTC, go to User Options, go to View/Add Proxy Access. If you designated a Proxy, you will see the information listed. If you have not designated a Proxy, a message will say you do not have any designated Proxies.
Is my Proxy notified if I make changes to their access?
No. If you make changes or revoke proxy access, we will not notify your proxy. You will be responsible for communicating any changes, if you wish.
What if my Proxy does not remember their log in information?
If your Proxy does not remember their log in information, they may contact the IT Help Desk for assistance at 417-447-7548.