Contact Us

Veterans Upward Bound

Ozarks Technical Community College
Information Commons West, Room 217
1001 East Chestnut Expressway

Springfield, Missouri 65802

Office Hours:
7:30AM-5:30PM Monday-Thursday
8AM-4:30PM Friday
Phone: (417) 447-7840
Fax: (417) 447-6925

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Victoria Ratcliff_300px by 400px_CB2 (002)

Victoria Ratcliff
VUB Program Director
(417) 447-7841
Book an Appointment with Me

Victoria is an alumna of Missouri State University with a bachelor’s in psychology. She has dedicated her professional career to helping students pursue their dreams of higher education. As the Director of Veterans Upward Bound, she oversees all aspects of the VUB Program. In her free time, she loves exploring new hobbies, trying new foods, and traveling to new places.

Robert Border

Robert Border
VUB Outreach Coordinator
(417) 447-7842
Book an Appointment with Me

Robert served in the United States Marine Corps for nearly 10 years. He earned his degree in Communications from Missouri State University. Robert works to promote the VUB program and vision to the community in person and online. In his free time, Robert enjoys to be outdoors with his family.

Jennifer Patillo

Jennifer Patillo
VUB Academic Coordinator
(417) 447-7843
Book an Appointment with Me

Jennifer is a dedicated professional with a passion for higher education and supporting students’ journeys. With a Master’s degree in Student Affairs in Higher Education, she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her role. Outside of work, she cherishes quality time with her family and finds joy in making a positive impact in people’s lives.

Linda Rhodes

Linda Rhodes
Part-Time Tutor/Office Assistant
(417) 447-7840

Schedule an appointment with Linda! 

Linda is a former educator with many years of experience. She has a passion for helping others succeed and is readily available to assist you with your college work! She is also in charge of our Math Refresher course to help you get ready for that coming math class. Let her help you succeed!


Lori Riemenschneider
Part-Time Tutor/Office Assistant
(417) 447-7840

Schedule an appointment with Lori!

Lori is a retired school teacher with over 26 years of experience in the secondary classroom. She will happily assist you in any of your classes. Lori oversees our English Refresher course to help you prepare for that upcoming English class!


Audra Bradley
Part-Time Tutor/Office Assistant
(417) 447-7840

Audra is a Military Dependent studying bioclinical science here at Ozarks Tech! Audra is an essential part of our team and ensures our office tasks run smoothly day-to-day.