Politically Active is a nonpartisan student-run group. We are focused on improving the political literacy of Ozarks Tech students. Young adults often rank lowest in political awareness and participation. We volunteer and donate the least. Many of us don’t know terms like “pro-life” and “pro-choice,” how the legislative process works, or how to vote.

Our goal is to increase the political knowledge of as many Ozarks Tech students as possible. Events we will hold include:
• Political events
• Voter registration drives
• Invite key figures in local, state, and national politics to speak with us directly

Again: we are nonpartisan. We do not promote any political party or individual politicians. Our aim is to connect the community with our campus and engage our campus with the community.


Be a part of our movement. Email the advisors for more information or show up to any of our meetings!
Advisors: Cara Griffin (griffinc@otc.edu) & Andrew Crocker (crockera@otc.edu)


We have monthly meetings throughout the semester where we discuss and debate current issues. We require club members to participate in one activity of their choice.


Cara Griffin

Cara Griffin

Jessie Warden
Vice President

Austin Kennard

Robert Nearhood
Nontraditional Representative

Christina Poole
Cabinet Member

Kay Lowery
Cabinet Member

Andrew Crocker

Nicky Ntizala
Public Relations Coordinator

Miranda Morgan-Irish
Social Media Coordinator

Stephanie Cruz
Liaison, Phi Theta Kappa

Chloe Gertner
Cabinet Member

RT Gumersell

Teagan Bowzer

Sam Snider
Event Coordinator

Ana Brandel
Liaison, Women in Leadership

Caden Coatney
Cabinet Member