Missouri Farm Bureau started the first college Farm Bureau chapter at the University of Missouri in 1986. Now, there are nine chapters at different colleges and universities.

These include:

  • University of Missouri
  • Missouri State University
  • Southeast Missouri State University
  • University of Central Missouri
  • Truman State University
  • Northwest Missouri State University
  • College of the Ozarks
  • Lincoln University
  • Ozarks Tech.

Ozarks Tech is the first two-year college involved with Missouri Collegiate Farm Bureau.

Each chapter has a faculty advisor and chapter officers. They hold regular meetings during the school year and host special events with guest speakers.

Members can attend:

  • The MOFB Annual Meeting
  • The MOFB Young Farmers & Ranchers Conference
  • The MOFB trip to Washington, D.C.

They also compete in contests to win scholarships for their education.

Missouri Farm Bureau logo



Frequency: OTC Collegiate Farm Bureau meets once a month during the school year

Location: Agriculture Training Center on the Richwood Valley Campus. 

Dates and Times: Dates and times of the meetings are announced on the OTC Agriculture Student Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2016477941925312