Existing student clubs should renew with the Office of Student Engagement every election cycle. This allows the club the full benefits available and provides updated officer contact information.
It also helps us support clubs, provide resources, and promote. Promotion is done through:

  • The Buzz
  • Campus events
  • Social media


Renewing a current student club takes 1-2 weeks. These step-by-step instructions will assist you in completing the renewal process:

  1. Review the list of student clubs and note any corrections that need to be made to your club’s web page.
  2. Complete the club renewal form, making changes you noted in Step 1.
  3. Receive a renewal confirmation email from the Office of Student Engagement once all requirements are met. Keep this email on file for your club. After new officers are elected, submit a new Renewal Agreement to the Office of Student Engagement.


  • Advising – Get help from the Office of Student Engagement for your organization. Other relevant campus offices are also available to assist you.
  • Banking – Maintain and access a college GL account to manage funds. This includes the ability to fundraise and benefit from tax-exempt status under Ozarks Tech’s status.
  • Email – Access to a college email address for your organization
  • Facilities – Access to OTC facilities and space for student organization activities, meetings, and events 
  • Funding – Eligibility for funding  
  • PromotionHave a table at all major college events and Club Rush. Be included on our list of student organizations and receive social media recognition.
  • Training – Access to free leadership training on various topics such as event planning, fund raising, etc.