Surgical Technology

Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant

The Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant is a financial aid program for adults that addresses workforce needs by helping adults pursue a certificate, degree, or industry-recognized credential in an area designated as high need. More than 90 programs of study at OTC have been designated as eligible.

Fast Track is designed to ensure, when combined with other state and federal non-loan financial aid, that tuition and fees are fully covered. If all tuition and fees are covered by another aid program, qualified students will receive an award of up to $500.

The 2024-25 Fast Track application is open and applies to summer 2024, fall 2024, and spring 2025.

Am I Eligible?

  • You are 25 years or older, or
  • You are under 25 and have not been enrolled in any school within the last two years, and
  • You are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and
  • You have been a Missouri resident for at least two years prior to receiving the grant, and
    • Exceptions apply for active duty military and spouses transferred to Missouri.
  • You have not earned a bachelor’s degree, and
  • You are planning to enroll at least half-time (6+ credit hours fall or spring; 3+ credit hours summer) in a Fast Track eligible program, and
  • You have an Adjusted Gross Income, as documented on your most recent Missouri 1040 tax form (or federal 1040 form if you’re active duty military), of $80,000 or less for married individuals filing jointly or $40,000 or less if filing in any other status.

Renewal students must:

  • Reapply every year
  • Meet all above requirements
  • Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • Maintain at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA.

How Do I Apply?

  1. Find a Fast Track approved program at OTC
  2. Complete the steps for admission to OTC
  3. Complete the 2024-25 FAFSA for fall 2024, spring 2025, summer 2025.
    • If you are participating in a short-term professional development/continuing education courses or an apprenticeship, the FAFSA is not required.
  4. Apply for the Fast Track grant through the State Financial Aid Portal.
    • Go to “How do I apply for Fast Track?” under the FAST TRACK FAQs for more information on completing the application.
      • The 2024-25 Fast Track application will apply to summer 2024, fall 2024, and spring 2025.

Have questions about Fast Track? Email

Qualifying Programs

* Students pursuing a selective admission program must be accepted into their program of study prior to utilizing the grant. Fast Track does not pay for pre-admission coursework.

Short-Term Professional Development and Continuing Education Courses