Involuntary Withdrawal
On occasion, students may experience behavioral or health concerns that require a level of care that exceeds what the college can appropriately provide. In such circumstances, students have the opportunity to voluntarily withdraw from the college.
In situations where a student is unable or unwilling to voluntarily withdraw from the college, the college may impose an involuntary withdrawal. An involuntary withdrawal is utilized when a student’s behaviors meet the college involuntary withdrawal criteria as detailed in OTC Policy 5.35.
OTC’s Behavioral Intervention Team, chaired by the Dean of Students, may place a student on involuntary withdrawal only after conducting an individualized assessment. The Behavioral Intervention Team and individualized assessment process is outlined in the Student Care Team and Behavioral intervention Team Protocol. Students who are involuntarily withdrawn may use the appeal process outlined in OTC Policy 5.16 Student Discipline and Appeals to appeal an involuntary withdrawal decision.